Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hook & Jill Contest results

Thursday, February 18th Update:  

I never heard from our contest winner, so I've drawn another name.  Our new winner is Michelle Sherman of Literarily Speaking!  She was assigned entry numbers 20 & 21, and number 20 came up at the top of my list in the draw.  Congrats to Michelle, and thanks to all who participated!

 Sunday, February 14th

To those of you checking in, I have chosen the winner for the Hook & Jill giveaway and have emailed the winner.  I'm waiting to hear back from them before I post the results.  So be sure to check your email box to see if I've written you.  The winner has until Wednesday, 4:30pm EST to send me their mailing information.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to not only enter the contest, but to also offer their opinions about this novel.  It's the first negative review that I've written, but I've enjoyed the interaction with those who hold different sentiments than mine.  Thank you for submitting your thoughts.

To the contest winner:  If you have a blog, I would love to read your thoughts after you finish the book.  And if you don't have a blog, feel free to come back here to share your review. 

Thanks, everybody!


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