
Contact Info:

Laura Hartness
Twitter: @EastmanReview
Facebook:   The Eastman Review
Goodreads:  My Bookshelf

2015 NOTE: My reviewing commitments for books are extremely plentiful at this time.  While this is a wonderful problem to have, it also results in frequent declines on review offers.

Book Review Policy:
  • If you would like me to write a book review, please contact me via email.  We can then determine if we're a good fit as author and reviewer.  I prefer to avoid negative reviews as much as possible, and I will always be honest and respectful in each post.  Your work might appeal to me if it falls within one of these genres:

    • Jane Austen-themed novels
    • Sci-Fi
    • Fantasy
    • Historical Fiction
    • Christian Fiction
    • Some Christian Non-fiction
  • Genres/content not preferred:
    • Jane Austen-related novels with vampires, sea monsters, et al
    • Graphic violence
    • Pervasive, explicit sexual situations
    • Themes that involve abducted/lost/dying children
    • Horror
    • Dark Spirituality
    • Manga
    • Poetry
    • Most non-fiction

    Of course there have been occasional exceptions to some of these, but in general this is what I prefer.  Click here to see a list of previously read books.  Click here to see a listing of my reviews.
  • I prefer to read books in traditional print form.  However, if you have an e-book that you would like me to review, I would like it in Kindle format.  It can be sent directly to my Kindle via the device's email address, which I will provide at that time.
  • When I post a review, I have not been monetarily compensated in any way. Many of the items reviewed come from my personal collection or experience. I also accept free copies of books, ARCs, and other items from publishers and the Amazon Vine program. I'm not required to post a positive review; all opinions are my own.
Video Review Policy:
For a change of pace, I occasionally divert from book reviews to critique films and workout videos.  My tastes very quite a bit, but I prefer G, PG and PG-13 movies.  Films with significant adult content are not appealing.  For workout videos, I prefer cardio and cardio/strength routines, preferably with little to no equipment required.

Giveaway Policy:
The end time and date of each giveaway will be listed in the contest rules at the end of each giveaway posting. Contestants are required to include their email address in at least one of their entries. If international addresses are permitted, this will be the exception and will be so noted in the contest rules. Entrants should add to their safe sender list so that notifications will make it past spam filters.  At the conclusion of the giveaway, entries will be compiled and the winner will be chosen randomly through a service such as or unless stated otherwise. I will then email the winner.  They then have 72 hours to contact me to claim their prize and provide a mailing address (no P.O. boxes, please).  If there is no response, I will draw another winner.  I may choose to post the final results on The Eastman Review, our Facebook group and mention them in an @ reply on, if applicable.

If I am responsible for mailing out the winner's prize, it will be shipped out as soon as possible via USPS, and I will email the winner to notify them of the mailing. Media rate will be the postage paid. If Delivery Confirmation is used, I will also email the recipient the tracking number.  

If the prize's shipment is the responsibility of a secondary sponsor, they will be given your mailing information, and at that time they will handle the distribution of your prize.  I cannot be held responsible for delays or problems with the secondary sponsor or the delivery method they choose.  However, I do try to only do business with reputable companies and individuals.

Contest request: If I'm hosting a giveaway for a product that you win on another site or acquire after entering my contest, please be courteous to your fellow entrants and ask to be removed from the contest. This is not required, but as a new blogger in 2009 I learned that this is the fair thing to do.

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