Saturday, February 6, 2010

Calico Critic Upgrade - We've Got New Pages!

Thanks to Rebecca at Lost in Books, I learned of a new feature in our Blogger software.  We can now add internal pages, separate from our regular blog posts.  For now, The Calico Critic has it's regular Home Page, plus five new ones:

  • Book Reviews - An alphabetical listing of all the book reviews on The Calico Critic.  Each book title is linked back to the original review posting.
  • Film/DVD Reviews - An alphabetical listing of all the film and DVD reviews on The Calico Critic.  Each title is linked back to the original review posting.
  • Giveaways - This will show all our current, active contests in progress on The Calico Critic.  Deadline dates and links back to the giveaway posts will be included.  Below those will be a listing of our previous contests and their winners.
  • Swaps - I enjoy the Swap program.  This page will be used to list all the books I have available for this.  If you see titles that you want, click on their respective links to go to Goodreads to participate.  I also have a link to my Goodreads Wishlist, should you dare to wade through it!
  • Contact / Policies - In addition to my contact information, this page details my review policies and giveaway rules. 

I'm sure there will be more pages to come in the future, but for now I'm excited to branch out in these new ways.  Thanks again, Rebecca!


  1. Wow! Ok...You've got to teach me how to do this! Could you please send me an email with some instructions, if you can, and have a bit of time to spare? This is a great idea- and sooo uselful:)

  2. I know! This is SO great-- I've been envious of other bloggers with tabs and the like, and I've struggled with figuring out the HTML code to do it. It's easy-- I'll get with you!


  3. Hey Laura! I am glad I could help out with the pages thing. I just stumbled upon it myself when I went to Edit Posts and there was Edit Pages right beside it. I still have only the About Me page, so you are ahead of me! I need to make a review policy so that will be one thing. I just keep procrastinating because I am not sure everything I need to say in it.

  4. Thanks Laura!! I just figured out how to do this and I think it will keep the home page a bit less cluttered especially since I only have the one sidebar!!!!

  5. CL:

    Yes, I'm so glad they added this! I think it's going to de-clutter alot of blogs around here. I guess they wanted to follow WordPress's lead. Although I still like Blogger better.


  6. I've seen this feature but didn't like how it looked on my page. So I've reverted back to my old style. LOL I think its a great idea.

  7. Serena:

    Yeah, I can see how that could happen. I'd actually prefer actual "Tabs", but I'm glad to have anything! One of these days I'm going to have money to burn and I'm going to hire Parajunkee to design a faboo layout!


  8. Awesome! I love it. I'm going to have to figure out if I can make this work on my blog, too. Looks great!! :)

  9. That is a great setup. I have been wanting to do this with my blog but I just can't figure it out or get it to work. Looks great!

  10. Thanks Marie, Sheila and Melissa! Lucy is going to call me today & we're going to set it up on her blog, too.

