Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giveaway - Friends Prize Pack!

In association with the recent release of Friends: The Complete Series Blu-Ray Box Set, Partners Hub is hosting a giveaway of a special Friends prize pack! One winner from The Calico Critic will receive a Limited Edition Friends prize pack with two oversized cappuccino mugs and a picture frame just like the one on Monica’s door, exclusive to this giveaway!

Check out the widget and video player below. Come back every day to earn a different Friends character badge, unlock hidden badges, and earn awesome Friends content along the way.  And come back to the video player every Thursday to see the new unlocked Friends Mashup clips running from November 8th to December 13th.  Relive all your favorite Friends moments in these fun clips.  Each week a new clip will be unlocked.

Here are ways you can earn points to enter the contest-- they can be separate comments or grouped into one, if applicable:
  • One Point (Mandatory) - Please share your email address so that I may contact you if you win.  If you'd rather not post that here, you may email me directly at CalicoCritic@gmail.com.
  • Two Points - Take the "Which Friend Are You Most Like" Quiz in the 30 Days of Friends widget (bottom left hand corner of the widget) and share your results!
  • Two Points - Share the following tweet, then post the direct URL of your tweet here in a comment. You may do this multiple times, just please separate your tweets by at least 3 hours.
Enter to win a #Friends prize pack! Sponsored by @PartnersHubTeam and @WB_Home_Ent via The Calico Critic (@LHartness) http://CalicoCritic.blogspot.com
  • Four Points -  Check out the Mashup Clip Countdown video player and relive lots of fun Friends moments in these clips. Each week a new clip will be revealed. Choose one favorite moment within each weekly clip (some moments are just seconds long!) and share it with us in a comment. As this post is going up after some weekly clips have already been revealed, feel free to catch up and watch each clip that's been posted so far.  For this contest, we're only going to do the November clips. I'll accept "favorite moments" from the clips from Nov. 8th, Nov. 15th, Nov. 22nd and Nov. 29th, whenever you can send them during the contest period.  Just be sure to indicate which clip you watched and what your favorite moment was within that clip (Example: "November 8th clip - My favorite moment was...").

The Friends Door on Set
This contest is going to be a short one-- get your entries in by 11:59pm EST on November 29th.  I'll choose a winner on the 30th, and I have to send in their mailing information by December 1st.  So if you're the winner, it's important that you respond quickly. Please make sure my email address will make it past your spam filters:  CalicoCritic@gmail.com

Note:  This promotion is available to U.S. residents only.

In order to accommodate the Friends widgets, I did a revamp of the website for the first time in three years!  I hope you enjoy our new look!  I'll be tweaking it over the next few weeks, and hopefully updating it as the seasons change.

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Congrats to DonnaS, winner of the Friends prize pack!

    *          *          *

    30 Days of Friends Widget

    *          *          *

    Mashup Clip Countdown Video Player

    Thanks for entering, and good luck to all!


    1. Hi Laura, what a fun giveaway!!

      canapple7 (at) cox (dot) net

    2. I tweeted!


    3. I would love to win this as a gift for my mom. While I liked Friends, she was a Friends fanatic! Thanks, Laura!


    4. I got Monica in the quiz and Rachel as a second. =O)

    5. From the November 8th clip, I actually have two favorites...Phoebe's Regina Phalange alter ego and Chandler's "could I be more, could you be more, could it get" quips. LOL!

    6. From the November 15 clip, my favorite was Janice hands down! She had to be one of the funniest characters on Friends.

    7. love to win this debbie jackson
      djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

    8. I am most like Rachel debbie jackson
      djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

    9. David Teytelman

    10. Replies
      1. Yeah, I got "Monica", too. My kids would agree for sure!

    11. My all time favorite show is Friends! I have the whole show on DVD but I guess it is time to upgrade to Blu Ray :)! Thanks for the giveaway!


    12. I did the quiz and I am Monica :)! Sounds about right!

    13. I tweeted: https://twitter.com/candc320/status/271258675270807553.

    14. I am like Monica. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    15. I am most like Rachel. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

    16. I would love to win.


    17. I am most like Monica.


    18. This is such awesome timing, I recently starting watching the reruns of this show again - I miss having good sitcoms on TV that I am not too embarrassed to watch with my parents (made the mistake of watching Two and a Half Men with them once . . . never again.

      The first time I took the quiz I got Joey, but I was kind of using answers that I wished were true. The second time I was a bit more honest and got Rachel. Both times the second place answer was Monica.

      I love those oversized mugs!

      I emailed you with all of my answers, including my email address. I hope that is okay, please let me know if you got it.


      P.S. - entering this giveaway is so much more fun if you are watching Friends while doing it :)

    19. I got both Monica and Rachel.

      hewella1 at gmail dot com

    20. Thanks for the chance!

      I got Rachel.

      tweet https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/272912919623241729

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    21. tweet https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/273269774786654209

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    22. This is so weird to me. My boyfriend asked me last night how this show ended, I told him how and I said that the part that always made me cry was when the go through the empty apartment and then zoom in on the peephole/picture frame.


      1. Awww.... That's right! I forgot how they ended the show. I was so sad that day. It had to end sometime, but it was still kinda hard to say goodbye.

      2. I was sad that day and every day I was that episode. I think from now on I'll just skip the last one and go right back to Season 1. Lame, I know, but I'm a total Friends nerd lol

    23. I'm most like Monica, which I kind of already knew ;)

      From the November 8th clip, I love the Chandler moment, "Could we be more white trash?" Cracks me up every time.

    24. terrystitch57 @ yahoo . com

      I'm a Rachel with 33%.


      Of the two clips to choose from, I love the variety in the first weeks clip. Joey's "How you doin" gets me all the time.

    25. tweet https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/273660967852847104

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    26. Thanks for the giveaway! I've always loved that frame!

      I got Phoebe in the quiz.
      CrystalW07 at aol.com

    27. tweet https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/274015472888987649

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    28. My husband and I are such fans of FRIENDS, I can't NOT enter this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity, Laura and Partners Hub!


      Off to take the quiz! I think I'll have my hubs take it later just for fun!

    29. LOL! I'm Chandler! Not sure if I agree with that! :) Loved the answer "cat...a smelly one" - what are they feeding you??

      1. Chandler?!? Never would have guessed that! Wonder what your hubby will get...

    30. tweet tweet!



      November 8th (tie) - "could we BE more white trash" and Monica's "I KNOW" - I do that a lot!

      November 15th - I love Janice's "Oh.My.God" - I loved when other characters like Chandler would say it too!

      November 22nd - lol! every time I tried to watch this clip I got a Harry Potter trailer! (not sure if I'm doing something wrong!)

      Thanks for the fun!

    32. tweet https://twitter.com/DonnaS1/status/274230632169738240

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    33. 11/22 clip - my favorite moment was when Rachel is in the hospital bed, her and Ross's face when Janice is wheeled in

      bacchus76 at myself dot com

    34. 11/15 clip - when Joey is almost asleep in the chair in the office but still makes a move on the entire room with his How you doin phrase.

      bacchus76 at myself dot com
