Sunday, March 14, 2010

In My Mailbox - March 14th, Plus Contest Announcement!

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Announcing the winner of the Double Trouble Giveaway:  Our follower Bhumi!   We've chatted in email, so their package will be mailed out soon.  Thanks to all the participants, and also to litFuse, which provided the complimentary copies of the books.

If the Mailbox Monday post is not visible below, Click on Read more » to see this post in full-length form...

Welcome to In My Mailbox on The Calico Critic!  This weekly post reports the books and related materials that have found their way into my collection this week.  This meme is sponsored by The Story Siren and The Printed Page ("In My Mailbox" / "Mailbox Monday").  Thanks to any fellow participants who stop by The Calico Critic!  I'll do my best to get around to as many of your sites as I can this week-- leave a link!

Here's what arrived since March 7th:

Tuesday, March 9th - This was a "happy dance" worthy day!  I love these two books!  After entering a seemingly endless list of contests, I managed to win a copy of O, Juliet by Robin Maxwell from Enchanted by Josephine.  Thanks, Lucy!

Another contest win, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin arrived today from Neth Space.  Thanks, Ken!  This one's high on my WTR list and there will be a review/giveaway posted when I'm finished!

From The B&B Media Group came the first DVD in the A History of Christianity series.  I've already watched a good chunk of this episode, and so far I'm very impressed.  The BBC knows how to put together a quality production.  Review to follow.  Thanks, Audra!

Wednesday, March 10th
- Reporting at Wit's End: Tales from the New Yorker by St. Clair McKelway, sent over by Bloomsbury USA.  I love New York, my family is from Charlotte, NC (the author's hometown), and I was intrigued by this one.  Look for a review in the future.

An ARC of The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees from Putnam/Penguin.  Even if this book turns out to be less than stellar, I am extremely impressed with the binding of this ARC.  The artwork and extra flourishes make this one a keeper.  Can't wait to read it for the subject matter as well.  It makes me want to go back and read Little Women again-- Thanks Lydia!

Thursday, March 11th - As I prepare to read O Juliet, it was really nice to receive a lovely Romeo & Juliet bookmark from Daphne at Tanzanite's Shelf & Stuff, who held a giveaway that I won.  She handcrafted the bookmark herself, using cross stitch as her medium, with a very high thread count!  I'd planned on including this bookmark in my future giveaway of O Juliet, but this one's so pretty I'm not sure I'll be able to give it up!

While I enjoyed attending Johanna Moran's appearance at The Vero Beach Book Center, the books that I actually purchased that day were from the Center's substantial used book department.   Completing my collection of  Elizabeth Aston's Darcy books are:  The Exploits & Adventures of Miss Alethea Darcy, The Second Mrs. Darcy and Mr. Darcy's Dream.

Thanks for stopping by!  Don't forget to leave a link to your Mailbox post!


  1. Looks like some really great books here! I am currently working on The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms as a read for my discussion over at Barnes and Nobles, and the author is there all this month too. I hope you enjoy it, I am. :)

  2. Melissa:

    That's good to hear-- 100K is a big book, and it would be frustrating to spend alot of time on it if it wasn't pretty good. That's cool that you get to meet N.K., too!

