Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Contests of the Week - December 30th

Happy New Year, all!  It's a busy giveaway time these days in the blogosphere.  Here are the latest giveaways that I've discovered!

  • Nely at All About {n} is hosting a 400 Follower Spectacular Giveaway, with a box of books for the winner!  Deadline is January 28th.

  • Serena at Savvy Verse & Wit is hosting a giveaway/interview for Abigail Reynolds'  Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy:  The Last Man in the World.  Deadline is January 11th. 

  • Natalie at Mindful Musings is celebrating her 400 followers milestone by offering all sorts of books, especially if she reaches 450 or 500 followers! Come follow her so we all can benefit, but she really does have a cool blog!  Deadline is January 20th.

  • The Bookologist is hosting a Mega 2010 Box Contest, with three boxes of books up for grabs! Deadline is January 31st.

  • Over at Bookworming in the 21st Century, Kristen is celebrating her 600 (soon to be 700) followers! She's got lots to offer, including credits at The Book Depository or Amazon! Deadline is January 15th.


  1. Ohhh, thanks for the heads up! :)

    And thanks for the comment<3

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I just re-read my comment on your site and realized that I kind of worded the last part of it wrong. I'd love to host a giveaway of the book, but maybe after I win it somewhere, read & review it! ;)

    Good luck in the above contests listed here as well. And also best wishes in your blog resolutions for the year!


  3. Thanks for telling us, going to stop by and enter the international one. :)

  4. Nina:

    Don't you just love The Book Depository?!

