Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update on Giveaways - Win Some Great Books!

Same entry from a few days ago, but with new info!

There are lots of great giveaways going on in the blogosphere these days, and I thought I'd take some time to remind you of a few in particular:

  •  TJ at Book Love Affair is giving away a copy of Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan. Contest ends 12/4.
Here's the link:  http://www.bookloveaffair.com/2009/11/giveaway-scott-westerfeld.html

  • Jessica at A Booklover's Diary is hosting a big giveaway, with lots of books to choose from and an Amazon.com gift card!  Contest ends 11/30.
Here's the link:  http://abookloversdiary.blogspot.com/2009/11/its-time-for-giveaway.html

  • Jessica at Book Bound is celebrating her 100 followers (I was #102!) by hosting a contest to give away free books from The Book Depository.  Contest ends 12/18.
Here's the link:  http://b00kbound.blogspot.com/2009/11/100-followers-giveaway.html

  • The Bookologist is hosting a Putnam Palooza, giving away three books to one winner! Contest ends 12/17.
Here's the link:  http://the-bookologist.blogspot.com/2009/11/contest-putnam-palooza.html

  • Robby at Running for Fiction is hosting a contest for the YA book of your choice.  Contest ends 12/1.
Here's the link:  http://runningforfiction.blogspot.com/2009/11/contest-contest-contest.html

  • Tanya at Starry Eyed Surprise has a giveaway for Decoding the Lost Symbol.  The contest ends 12/1.
Here's the link: http://starryeyedsurprise24.blogspot.com/2009/11/review-and-giveaway-decoding-lost.html

  • Alessandra at Out of the Blue has a giveaway for the Book Depository book of your choice, up to €12 ($17.77) in value.  Contest ends 12/6.
Here's the link: http://alessandrasplace.blogspot.com/2009/11/giveaway-book-of-your-choice.html

  • Life After Jane has a collection of books up for adoption.  Enter to give these books a good home: 
    Here's the link:  http://lifeafterjane.blogspot.com/2009/09/no-kill-book-shelter-opens-today.html

    Don't forget to check out my sidebar giveaway section as well.  It's down the page on the left.  Others are ending soon, so enter while you can.

    Good luck!


    1. Simone:

      Thank you so much! I just took a peek at your blog, too. It's so lovely!


    2. J.Kaye:

      Thanks for the compliment, and I'm so glad you're a follower!

